I spent several happy, contemplative hours last week painting one wall in our bedroom a pale, icy pink. This required us to drag our new 900 lb. sleigh bed away from the wall, a feat not unlike the raising of Stonehenge or those giant heads on Easter Island. Then, in the process of shoving the bed back into place a couple of days ago, we… broke it. We shoved a little too enthusiastically at the foot board, I guess, and finally it shoved back, exploding in a kind of splintery rage and kicking my right shin, leaving it bruised and raw.
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think that’s any way for a bed to behave. Beds should be comforting, Cancerian. Being attacked by one’s bed is as jarring as being smacked by one’s mother.
Sigh. Mars in Cancer, man: she’s back, she’s nearing an opposition to Pluto (exact Friday morning), and she’s not messing around!
It’s gonna be a hectic week astrologically – Venus conjoins Neptune on Thursday, Mars opposes Pluto just before Friday’s New Moon, and the Sun makes its annual rendevous with exciting (but disruptive) Uranus on Saturday. Other than my furniture attacking me, though, I can’t complain. Still, the week is young. How’s everyone else coping?