Maybe it’s a byproduct of all that Virgopalooza/eclipse action from Friday – an eclipse within shouting distance of my natal Mars if you use a six-degree orb (which I wouldn’t, normally, although I’m rethinking that) – but the Aprilian Rage is very close to the surface these past few days. Ugly, black, noxious rage, easily ignited if subtly expressed.
By way of New Moon ritual I hurled myself on the altar of nonstop work, and by yesterday afternoon I was amazingly caught up. The hastily-scrawled post-it note reminders had been consigned to the trash bin. The heap of file folders on my desk was reduced to a mere few. Under the surface, I was working through some hurts and meanness and disappointment, too… and by yesterday afternoon my black mood had miraculously lifted. I enjoyed a glass of wine on the porch with my husband and some neighbors. All was well.
But this morning, innocently investigating a blogroll, I stumbled across a post so virulent and bigoted that I thought at first it must be a joke. When I realized it wasn’t, it literally turned my stomach. And I realized just how carefully I pick and choose the web circles I choose to run in – just as carefully as I choose the ones where I spend time in the real world, to as much as possible screen out people whose views I find abhorant.
I know some people thrive on Mars energy. They actually seem to enjoy arguing with people. They relish viewing, reading, or listening to views with which they vehemently disagree, and then railing about them. I am not one of those people. Frankly, that is just too much aggravation before breakfast.
Ugh – Mars. Transiting Mars is in Libra now, and maybe that’s one of its lesson: encounters with The Other. Confrontations with your opposite. And maybe, if you’re not careful, letting others carry and play out your rage for you. Maybe what I thought was a healthy way of working through some anger issues – work – was really a copout. Maybe there were some people I should have cleared the air with. And along comes a poisonous blog post to show you just how ugly Mars can look if you don’t deal with it properly. When you refuse to get behind the wheel of your own Mars, you can’t very well complain about the way other people drive theirs.
How are you doing with the Eclipse fallout? Tell us in comments – and include your natal house and planets impacted by the eclipse, if you know what they are!