In our previous steps we narrowed dates for Kate and Malcolm’s wedding to Friday, April 27, 2001 and Saturday, April 28, 2001, and narrowed those dates down to times on each date that would be astrologically acceptable.
In the end we don’t have perfect charts, or even wildly terrific charts. But they are acceptable charts.
This is the point in the process of choosing a couple’s wedding date that gets really interesting.
When I take a Friday afternoon, 4:30 p.m. time and a Saturday morning, 10:00 a.m. time to this couple, do you think they will greet the news with a glad cry and immediately choose one?
If my experience tells me anything, it’s that despite their initial protestations that they will marry whenever I say it’s astrological cool, they will not be happy with these dates and times. At which point they will smile, thank me for my time, and make a beeline to the printer’s shop where they will order invitations for the exact date and time they intended to use all along and hoped I would endorse astrologically. Alternately, they may decide to scrap both these dates and send me back to the drawing board with an extended selection of dates from which to choose.
If they should completely floor me by cheerfully selecting one of the dates and promptly commence wedding arrangements, we can make several safe assumptions:
1. A couple this cool, this flexible, this willing to go with the flow will be a raging success at marriage regardless of when they get married!
2. Children, real estate, in-laws, and/or women will play a very significant role in their marriage (in both charts the Moon and Venus are quite prominent by placement and/or house rulership).
3. While they may very often disagree about the best way to approach matters, they have essentially complementary value systems (Venus square Mars but in trine signs; Sun sextile Moon).
4. As a couple, they have strong intuition, compassion, and creativity (Venus sextile Neptune). They have the ability to build strong foundations and demonstrate their love on a practical level (Venus sextile Saturn)–this is more likely true if they are mature, say 30 years or older.
5. They will likely own multiple properties or multi-family properties (Friday chart: 4th house ruler is in Gemini), or move a lot (Saturday chart: 4th house ruler squares Uranus). Combined with the strong lunar emphasis in the charts, and the Sun in Taurus, they might do well buying homes to fix up and resell, or simply by investing in multiple income properties. With Jupiter opposed Pluto, there is the possibility of enormous income fluctuations in the course of their marriage (Jupiter = exaggerated benefit; Pluto = investment/other people’s money). But they must also be cautious about spending more than they feel comfortable with (Moon square Venus).
Those are just a few possible delineations for these charts. My point is that the charts that present themselves as best within the time frame chosen by the couple, speak volumes about who they are as a couple and where they’re at in their development. In my experience the more difficult it is to come up with a decent chart for a couple, the less ready they probably are to tie the knot.
>> The Rules© 2001 April Elliott Kent. All rights reserved.