How’s that Full Moon treating you? I was sick with the flu a couple of weeks ago and busting my hump to catch up on my work last week, so I didn’t have time to write anything for the Full Moon. I did, however, post the following essay from a few years back…
In the Belly of a Duck
It’s important to use all your gifts to create a life that is a sincere offering to the gods, but prosperity is a dance you must do with the unseen forces of the collective. You can’t achieve prosperity in a vacuum, not unless you own a mint. Prosperity is not a closed system; the money you hope to attract has to come from other people. And the minute you demonstrate a willingness to accept help from the collective, the oppressive weight of trying to earn a living is immediately cut in half. There’s no shame in letting others carry you part of the way along your journey ….. (read the full article)
As for Mercury Retrograde… well, it does indeed seem like I’m having to do everything at least twice these days, in keeping with one of the stereotypes about Mercury Rx. Which is mildly annoying, but hardly terminal – and in fact, is occasionally delightful. For instance, we hosted not one but two parties over the weekend for visiting friends. Terrific, chatty fun – I talked my throat raw.
But writing? Not so much. My friend Neeti Ray instigated an interesting mini-conversation on Facebook this morning, though, about feeling uncommunicative since Mercury turned retrograde in Gemini – which Beth Turnage aptly summed up as “feeling tongue-tied.” And that’s exactly where I’m at. I can’t even get up the gumption to update my Facebook status on a regular basis, let alone my blog.
Which is not to say nothing’s going on. I’m actually beside myself with excitement about an astrology project that I’m working on… just not quite ready to talk about it in detail yet, and still in the earliest stages of research (appropriately, while Mercury is Rx). Watch this space, as they say.
For now, I’m out of words – feel free to share your own about Mercury Rx, the Full Moon, or anything else in comments!