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Thursday Thirteen Vol. 4

Thursday 13
Thirteen Days to Mark on Your Calendar

August 22: Sun enters Virgo. The unbridled (except by Saturn) enthusiasm of the Sun in Leo gives way to Virgo’s “wait a minute…” caution, fact checking, and editing.

August 23: New Moon at 0 Virgo. The first of two successive New Moons in Virgo – this one at the first degree, when we can be prone to an overzealous approach toward all things Virgo. Take it easy on yourself and those around you; perfection is not a reasonable goal for humans.

August 26: Venus conjunct Saturn. Embrace structure, order, limits, and parameters. Create a rock garden. Knit an anvil cozy.

August 27: Venus opposed Neptune. In which we are baffled by one another’s values and gestures of affection. (“An… anvil cozy?”)

August 29: Mars square Pluto. In which the irresistable force meets the black hole, with highly combustible results. The week building up to this one should be a doozy.

August 31: Saturn opposed Neptune. Le sigh. It’s not like it’s going away after today, either. We won’t be out of the woods with this one until next year.

September 5: Sun opposed Uranus. In which we all consider each other to be completely nuts. And if that weren’t enough, Venus enters Virgo, and the Pygmalion effect kicks in, much to the annoyance of lovers everywhere.

September 7: Lunar Eclipse at 15 Pisces. Revisiting themes of confusion and avoidance which were highlighted most recently in 2001/2002, 1997, 1992/1993, and 1988. In other news, Mars enters Libra: Let’s get our fight on, particularly with partners and best friends, over what’s fair and what isn’t.

September 12: Mercury enters Libra. Artistic and diplomatic, yes. Decisive, no.

September 15: Venus opposed Uranus. In which what once seemed valuable now seems… weird. A likely moment for unstable relationships to reach the tipping point and break apart.

September 16: Sun square Pluto. Ferociousclashes of will erupt between our very human need to feel important and the very impersonal nature of the universe, which finds our human egos… profoundly trivial. Ouch.

September 22: New Moon/Solar Eclipse 29 Virgo/ Autumnal Equinox. Autumn kicks off with a last-degree New Moon and eclipse in Virgo… last degrees of a sign carrying, in my experience, a sense of urgency and needing to finish up. Urgency + Virgo = Extreme efficiency or unparalleled crankiness. Perhaps both.

September 25: Venus square Pluto. In which something you love or possess, proves toxic, reveals an ugly side, or is taken away before you’re ready to let go.

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5 comments to " Thursday Thirteen Vol. 4 "

  • Nancy

    Is this your first 13? Thanks for the info. Gotta get a pen and jot it down…..

  • Nancy

    I just noticed the “4” . SORRY!

  • August 26: Venus conjunct Saturn. Embrace structure, order, limits, and parameters. Create a rock garden. Knit an anvil cozy.

    August 27: Venus opposed Neptune. In which we are baffled by one another’s values and gestures of affection. (”An… anvil cozy?”)

    This was great!! But what a fabulous month we have in store for us.

    At least the weather should be changing for the more temperate.
    Always a pleasure to read your stuff, April.

  • I love the way you talk about Pltuo! Its so true! That has got to be about the most frustrating force in our solar system. Who invented it anyway? Wasn’t Saturn enough? Doesn’t he end things well? Or, at least, end them at all? No, Pluto must come and rip at the fraying edges, tearing egos apart. Sigh… Its so funny how you say black hole. What do you mean by that anyway? Its interesting to note that that is usually the last state of a dead star. Hmmmmm…

    Super stuff. 😉

  • April

    Hi Nancy! Sorry, I’m a little behind in responding to comments. I have you to thank for getting me started on the Thursday Thirteens – thanks!

    Thanks for your kind comments, Susan. And thank God for the more temperate weather.

    As for the month ahead… who could have forseen the New Moon in Virgo bringing such an uproar over Pluto’s demotion? Darling Pluto, you’ll always be a planet to me. Though Alexander will probably be happy with the news! 🙂

    Alexander, I think the black hole remark was just a reference to Pluto’s way of sucking the energy out of whatever it comes close to. Here’s a description from Wikipedia that puts it very deftly: “A black hole is an object predicted by general relativity with a gravitational field so strong that nothing can escape it, not even light. Under the description provided by general relativity, as an object moves closer to a black hole, the energy required for it to escape continues to increase until it becomes infinite at the event horizon, the surface beyond which the escape is impossible. ” Isn’t that perfect?

    Best New Moon wishes to you all!

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