Astrology Highlights for Sep. 16-22, 2024: The Censer
There’s a vision for this eclipse: it’s time to let go, but first, we have to give ourselves over to the losses, worry, grief. Carry the censer; fill your home with the healing smoke. Make it an offering in the high mass of the soul.
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Astrology Highlights for Sep. 9-16, 2024: Flappy vs. Focused
The Sun in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini this week, which means the flappy and focused sides of our nature are in conflict. Neither wants to give an inch. But we need them both, to coordinate restlessness with focus, and obsessive attention with movement and variety.
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Episode 252 | Podathon Day Three: Pluto in Libra, with Kirstin Vasgaard!
Today, the Moon finishes its trip through Virgo with a couple of challenging aspects, before easing into Libra. Mars enters protective Cancer for a two-month sojourn. And April interviews Pluto in Libra astrologer Kirstin Vasgaard for insights into that generation’s gifts and challenges. Plus, all the Podathon news, including how to make your donation, receive special gifts, and be enrolled in a drawing for a chance to win one of our fabulous prizes!
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Astrology Highlights for Sep. 2-8, 2024: Everyday Extraordinary
Peer through a microscope at something ordinary. Removed from its larger context, something like pollen or cells taken from your cheek becomes art. You lose the bigger picture as you zoom in, but isn’t it amazing to see its individual components in such detail?
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Astrology Highlights for Aug. 26-Sep. 1, 2024: Regrets, I’ve Had a Few
Coming at the end of a Mercury-saturated week, this Last Quarter Moon is a moment to focus on and tame not only our tongues, but our busy, chattering, Mercury minds. The calmer the mind, the more control we have over what we say, and the fewer regrets we’ll have to live with in the long run.
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Astrology Highlights for Aug. 19-25, 2024: Pedal to the Metal
Imagine you’re a teenager getting a driving lesson from your dad. You take off with a great squeal of the tires, both feet pressed down hard on the gas pedal, while the whole time your dad is yelling at you to slow down. Soon you’re hollering at one another. And that’s what it’s like when Jupiter and Saturn are square each other.
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Astrology Highlights for Aug. 12-18, 2024: We Need Fire to Get There
Picture a giant, colorful hot air balloon, gliding across the valley. The sight of it sets imaginations soaring. But it needed fire to get there. And as fiery Mars comes together with Jupiter in Gemini, kindle a fire underneath your big, bright ideas – it’s incredibly exciting to see that balloon take flight.
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Astrology Highlights for July 8-15, 2024: Let Someone Give You a Drink
Sometimes, it’s just helpful to bounce ideas off someone else. On the eve of my marriage, I asked my mother what she had appreciated most about being married, and she said, “I think it was just having somebody to talk to about things.” Several decades later, I completely understand what she meant.
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Astrology Highlights for July 1-7, 2024: The Big Table
At this Cancer New Moon, I wish you a good dinner at a strong table with people who care about you. If you don’t have those things, go ahead and set your table and invite someone to share dinner with you. We’re strangers, most of us, but we’re sitting at that big table together, just waiting to become a family.
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Cancer New Moon: Setting the Table
It’s a big round table that we’re all sitting at, more or less together, and even those of us who grew up with wise elders and stable households are still frightened children, sometimes. And sometimes there are bigger, stronger people protecting us from life’s harshness, but sometimes we’re the ones who have to fry the chicken and set the table.
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