Astrological Transits
By comparing the moving planets to your birth chart you can gain a complete view of how best to prepare for challenges, meet opportunities, and stay grounded in a constantly-changing world. “Hands down, this is the best book I’ve read about planetary cycles.” – Skye Alexander
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Finding Your Transits
My new book, “Astrological Transits,” gives you lots of ways to think about and work with transits. But if you need a little trouble finding your transits to begin with, this video will show you how…
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Venus square Saturn: Love the rock.
And that’s when it hit me. Ah… it’s simply a question of attitude, isn’t it? When you’re trying to have a good time and the world rolls a rock in your path, well, there’s only one thing to do: Love the rock.
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Pluto: Go Deeper
“Transcendence” is a word astrologers commonly use to talk about Pluto’s transits and its aspects to other planets in the birth chart. But before we can hope to transcend a situation, we must first commit to being full engaged in it. When Pluto is involved, this commitment carries some risk….
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Astrology Q&A: Where does the transit fall in my chart?
Q. Can you please advise how can I find out in which House of my Birth Chart is the New Moon? How do I find it? How about other transiting planets that you refer to in your articles? Help!
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Pluto rolling over
I’m fearful today. That’s part of the Pluto journey. I don’t intend to rush, whistling, past the graveyard, desperately seeking comfort, redemption, or even wisdom. Instead, I’ve pulled up a low, hard bench in the middle of the cemetery. I’m listening to a cool wind in the trees, rustling the leaves of panic, confusion, grief, and rage. I’m sitting shiva with Pluto.
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Venus moves into Libra: Why isn’t the sky raining gum drops?
So I hate to be the one to break it to you, but placing Venus in Libra in a solar system full of bigger, slower, meaner planets that are in a bad mood is about as effective as putting a Glade air freshener in a slaughterhouse. Both are fighting way out of their weight class.
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Jupiter/Saturn Opposition: Cosmic Taffy Pull
Bumping this up for next week’s Jupiter/Saturn opposition A neighbor in my rural hometown used to put us kids to work each year pulling taffy. Sounds like a delightful, Normal Rockwell-esque activity, but it was surprisingly hard work. An opposition between titans Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction) is not unlike …
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Astrologically, things have been relatively quiet since the New Moon. That ends today, with a veritable bonanza of astro-activity. To wit: While you slept, the Sun squared Neptune. Jupiter and Venus both turn direct. Jupiter has been retrograde since July 23, and Venus since October 8. Sun trines Uranus (9:58 …
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Solar astrology this week: preparing to fly
The Sun is winding down its annual tour of Scorpio’s turgid bayou country, headed for the clear, open skies of Sagittarius (arriving on November 22). But as it paddles for the surface, the Sun makes aspects this week to three planetary giants: Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. The transiting Sun’s trine …
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