Episode 30 | Cancer Solar Eclipse: You’re Buffering
April and Jen offer a summary of something summer-y: The Solstice, followed a few hours later by a Cancer New Moon/Solar Eclipse. Mercury also feels the crab’s pinch as it turns retrograde. And Mars hears opportunity calling from Jupiter and Pluto’s general direction.
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Episode 12 | Mercury Retrograde: Where Are My Pants?
Join April and Jen for a breakdown of the week’s astrological highlights: a Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, Mars joining the Capricorn clown car, and Mercury Rx in Pisces. Also: What goes well with Chinese food, who lost her pants, and this year’s criminally underreported Jupiter/Neptune sextile!
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Cranky Mars and the Difficult August
On August 3, visiting Mars moved into Cancer, a tourist destination in which the warrior planet is inclined to feel especially cranky – a bit jet-lagged, a tad homesick, with a jangly stomach and an unnerving tendency to burst into tears. Mars is built for arid, inhospitable landscapes; when he ventures to the sandy shores of Cancer’s natural habitat, the result looks less like a quiet, reflective seaside vacation than a recreation of the Normandy invasion…
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A Mercury Retrograde for the #$@! record books!
Instead of being aggravated by the whole thing, I suppose a better response would be amusement, and gratitude that the problem was uncovered (and that this is not the program I use for most of my client work). At least, that’s what Mercury would say – in between wry chuckles at my expense. But then, he has a vested interest in making his retrograde periods seem useful and productive instead of simply maddening.
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Mercury Retrograde: Doublespeak and ticking time bombs
Last December, Mercury turned retrograde at 6 Capricorn, near Pluto. At the time, I wrote about Mercury drawing us into the “darker woods” of ugly truths about ourselves and our world. The work of self-examination we did then holds us in good stead today, as Mercury turns retrograde again. This …
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Mercury retrograde, Pluto, and the darker woods
mercury rx darker woodsOn Friday, Mercury turns retrograde at 5.58 Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol for 6 Capricorn is, I think, a beautiful and exciting one: “Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods.” The logs can be the things that are blocking your mind, and powers of perception, from seeing the truth. But lay them out in a certain way, and they can also serve as steps that take you deeper into the darker woods.
Mercury is turning retrograde in a conjunction with Pluto and the Moon’s North Node, and the combination is, I think, related to telling some ugly truths – about yourself, about your world. Sometimes loss and shock and grief open up channels of communication that can’t be opened any other way.
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Nine Lives
Our ancient Toyota is at the mechanic’s this week, getting a much-needed tuneup. My husband valiantly resurrected it, Lazarus-like, to begin what must be at least the sixth or seventh of its nine lives; and as you’d expect from a zombie vehicle, it’s running a little rough. Meanwhile, we’ve summoned …
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A new desk and a new (and horrifying) look at myself
I think I’m allergic to my new desk. When will I learn not to buy new things while Mercury is Retrograde? First the computer, now this. Mind you, the desk is very fetching, quite fanciful and most appropriate for my progressed Moon in Pisces. It’s painted with a fabulous sort …
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