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The Big Sky Astroblog

Always writing something.

The Big Sky Astroblog

Always writing something.


Episode 7 | Saturn and Pluto Go to The Repair Shop

It’s an epic week in the Big Sky, and April and Jen bring you the down-low on the up-high: Jupiter meets the South Node, Uranus brings extra tumult to a highly-charged Lunar Eclipse, and we sound a final “all aboard” for the S.S. Saturn/Pluto Conjunction. Plus: more new (fictional) sponsors than you can shake a stick at, and April takes any opportunity to discuss her latest TV obsession. CLICK THE TITLE OF THE POST FOR SHOW NOTES AND TRANSCRIPT!

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Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Quilting

The Moon’s North Node in Sagittarius or the ninth house demands that, like a confused college undergraduate, we must choose a major emphasis for our life’s curriculum. We have to acknowledge that we can’t ever have all the answers we seek, or even know all the questions; at some point, we have to turn off the stream of incoming information and trust that we can make something worthwhile from what we already know….

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