Gemini Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse: Beyond Words
This Full Moon in Gemini is a lunar eclipse, when the Moon slips into the earth’s shadow and is hidden from view. It reminds us that even in the age of constant contact, there are moments when the world’s comforting voices diminish into unsettling silence.
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Episode 32 | Capricorn Lunar Eclipse: A Minnesota Goodbye
This week: The second of three Jupiter/Pluto meet-ups; Saturn heads back to Capricorn; and one last Independence Day lunar eclipse in Capricorn.
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Episode 7 | Saturn and Pluto Go to The Repair Shop
It’s an epic week in the Big Sky, and April and Jen bring you the down-low on the up-high: Jupiter meets the South Node, Uranus brings extra tumult to a highly-charged Lunar Eclipse, and we sound a final “all aboard” for the S.S. Saturn/Pluto Conjunction. Plus: more new (fictional) sponsors than you can shake a stick at, and April takes any opportunity to discuss her latest TV obsession. CLICK THE TITLE OF THE POST FOR SHOW NOTES AND TRANSCRIPT!
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Leo Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse: The Gift of Boredom
This Full Moon brings the last in a series of Leo eclipses that began in early 2017. Eclipses reflect points of change and crisis, and in Leo, the crisis is around how to feel more engaged with your life. How to love, create, and inhabit it fiercely and fully. As this cycle of Leo/Aquarius eclipses comes to an end, I think we’re finally ready to change our lives to make room for more heart. I’m hearing this loud and clear from clients, and I’m feeling it myself. But the question is always, “How will I make time for it?”
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Aquarius Lunar Eclipse: Clearing the Air
This Full Moon is a lunar eclipse, when relationships are often due for some reevaluation. And Mars, the planet of competition, war, and aggression, has been retrograde in recent weeks, and frustration has been building. So in order to do what’s needed to maintain vibrant and satisfying social connections, we’ll have to pay alms to Mars as well.
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Leo Lunar Eclipse: Make Your Own Kind of Music
When eclipses fall in Aquarius and Leo, we’re asked to remember what kind of fuel powers the engine of our hearts, and to seek our place in the hearts of others.
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Aquarius Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse: Radio Silence
This Full Moon–a lunar eclipse in Aquarius–is designed to give a full and truthful accounting of how well we’re navigating Aquarius’ territory. The Full Moon never lies. It’s that interval in the lunar cycle when not even the night time is dark enough to hide our hurts, fears, and flaws. Are you a happy Aquarian camper? Are you spending time with people who engage your finest qualities, or do you disappear in a group, unappreciated and overlooked?…
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August Lunar Almost-Eclipse
Many astrological calendars and websites list the August 18, 2016 Aquarius Full Moon as a lunar eclipse. Here’s why they’re wrong, and why I doubt this Full Moon will really behave like an eclipse, astrologically speaking.
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Eclipse Astrology: Lunar Eclipses, Earthly Instincts
At this lunar eclipse, know that the Earth is offering you something, some smooth block of marble, a piece of wood, a section of clay. Open your instinctive mind, and ask yourself: What is it that wants to be brought into being? And what is the right tool with which to carve it out?
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Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Quilting
The Moon’s North Node in Sagittarius or the ninth house demands that, like a confused college undergraduate, we must choose a major emphasis for our life’s curriculum. We have to acknowledge that we can’t ever have all the answers we seek, or even know all the questions; at some point, we have to turn off the stream of incoming information and trust that we can make something worthwhile from what we already know….
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