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The Big Sky Astroblog

Always writing something.

The Big Sky Astroblog

Always writing something.


Libra Full Moon: Befriending the Enemy

When I think about befriending people whose opinions, lifestyles, or politics are abhorrent to me, some flinty part of me digs in its heels and refuses to give in, loathe to give the impression of surrender. Why do most of us find it so difficult to befriend our enemies—and why is that those with Libra prominent in their birth charts often succeed where we fail?…

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Libra Full Moon: It Isn’t Fair

Each moment of epic societal fail has a pedigree, a family tree that you can trace to understand its origins and to identify the point at which its DNA became corrupted. But the tree also has new branches and leaves that represent new generations with fresh energy… and that is a source of hope, a promise that wounds can heal and that day will inevitably follow night. It’s not fairness, exactly, but there is a kind of symmetry to it, and balance.

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Full Moon in Aries: The Sweet Spot

If you are in a relationship with someone who doesn’t know who you really are, are you actually in a relationship? Sometimes it feels safer and easier to hide your true self from others, because if you are rejected for who you really are, it hurts a lot worse. On the other hand, you might be rejected for your faux self anyway, left not only without a relationship — but also without a self.

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December 21 Eclipse for Your Sign: Aries-Virgo

The December 21 lunar eclipse at 29 Gemini is not only ruled by Mercury retrograde, but the chart for the eclipse sports a flamboyant square from the Sun and Moon to Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. What does this mean for your sign? Today, Aries – Virgo. Libra – Pisces follows tomorrow.

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