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The Big Sky Astroblog

Always writing something.

The Big Sky Astroblog

Always writing something.


New Moon in Gemini: Road Trip

It’s so easy to trivialize Gemini, to dismiss it as a fickle, gossipy, lightweight sign. But that is a young person’s way of looking at it, the perspective of someone who hasn’t yet learned about the tyranny of definition.

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Gemini New Moon: Road Trip

It’s so easy to trivialize Gemini, to dismiss it as a fickle, gossipy, lightweight sign. But that is a young person’s way of looking at it, the perspective of someone who hasn’t yet learned about the tyranny of definition. When you’ve spent decades writing, editing, and telling your own life stories, you begin to see Gemini quite differently. Is it fickle to decide that you want the opportunity to explore something new about yourself, or is it a response to something primal and creative? Is it intellectually lazy to gossip about other people, or is it simple curiosity and fascination with fellow humans?

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Gemini Full Moon: Happy Whatever

Gemini doesn’t much care which holidays you choose to observe or what you call them; he can abide any heresy except boring conversation. His standard holiday greeting is, “Happy Whatever.” His job description, to paraphrase Caroline Casey, is “to believe nothing and entertain possibilities….”

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Happiness, Gemini Style: Stay Curious

What I love about Curious George is his insatiable interest in the world around him. Partly, he’s motivated by pure mischief, but mostly he’s just … well, curious; and his lively interest in the world leads him to see possibilities the rest of us might not consider….

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New Moon in Gemini: You Name It

You’re not your failures. You’re not your successes. You’re not the name your family gave you, or the cruel nicknames you were given on the schoolyard. At this liminal, magical New Moon, remember everything else that you are. Imagine yourself differently, and give that imagining a bright and joyful name all its own. It’s never too late to be someone new….

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Previewing the May 20 Solar Eclipse: A glass-bottomed boat

Expecting affairs of the human heart to follow the rules of logic and reason is a recipe for dissatisfaction. Don’t ignore underlying problems in your relationships, but seek solutions not with your brain, but rather with your heart. Sit knee to knee with the one you love, and peer into your relationship’s wondrous fathoms through your own “glass-bottomed boat.”

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