Episode 48 | The Libra Equinox and Mercury Goes Sleuthing
April & Jen welcome Libra season, Mercury finds trouble on its way to Scorpio, the First Quarter Moon connects us to last December’s Solar Eclipse. Plus: Latvia!
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Episode 17 | Saturn in Aquarius: All in this Together
Saturn entering Aquarius, the Aries equinox, a planetary traffic jam in Capricorn, and time-traveling between the early 90s and 2023. And as Saturn in Aquarius reminds us, we’re all in this together.
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Autumnal Equinox: Temperance
It’s tempting to think if you won the lottery tomorrow and never had to work again, you’d do nothing but dance and jump for joy—and for awhile, you probably would. But eventually the ghost of summer vacations past would return to haunt you, and you’d no doubt grow tired of endless revelry, like a child who has grown jaded from a diet of candy bars and suddenly craves vegetables….
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