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The Big Sky Astroblog

Always writing something.

The Big Sky Astroblog

Always writing something.


Eclipses in Natal Houses: Dancing in the Dark

The cycle of eclipses moving through the houses of the horoscope presents opportunities for understanding and healing. Each house axis represents where you face a critical turning point, a “crisis” in their life. Using eclipses, it’s pretty easy to pinpoint the source of the crisis….

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Eclipses: Defending Your Life

Imagine viewing scenes from five days of your life: The days on which, at 19-year intervals, solar eclipses conjoined that planet in your birth chart. You were at a turning point, struggling to overcome one of your darkest fears. What events defined these turning points, and how effectively did you handle your fear?

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Episode 18 | An Aries New Moon and a Kerflooey World

As the world’s anxiety level is turned up to eleven, April and Jen share some mindfulness techniques to help you be here now. And in the Big Sky this week: the Aries New Moon, this year’s eclipse season midpoint, and Venus offers Jupiter and Pluto an earthy elbow-bump. Plus: monarch butterflies, tortilla chips, a new imaginary sponsor, and Larry, Moe, and Curly. Oh, and pie. Always, pie.

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Solar Eclipses, Lunar Intuition

At a Solar Eclipse, the earthy part of you may feel a little cold, compacted. Take a time-out; sit at the knee of the wise Moon and let her reflect the Sun in you. Is there a wildish ego that’s running around unchecked? What is the part of you that you’re trying to disown? Let the Moon guide you, like a wise mother, toward self-acceptance and humility.

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Eclipse Astrology: Lunar Eclipses, Earthly Instincts

At this lunar eclipse, know that the Earth is offering you something, some smooth block of marble, a piece of wood, a section of clay. Open your instinctive mind, and ask yourself: What is it that wants to be brought into being? And what is the right tool with which to carve it out?

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Checking in with the eclipses of war

The potential for military conflict that I explored at the December 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse is unfolding exactly as expected: “Eclipses bring matters to a turning point, whether they’re matters of love, loss, financial changes – or conflict…. (T)his eclipse degree is conjunct the fixed star Betelgeuse (27 Gemini), a …

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The Upside of Eclipses

Eclipses are coming! Eclipses are coming! Time to hide under the bed, batten down the hatches, buy duct tape to seal off the doors and windows? In a word, no. But we astrologers can sound a little like tabloid journalists as we breathlessly – urgently – proclaim the drama of …

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