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The Big Sky Astroblog

Always writing something.

The Big Sky Astroblog

Always writing something.


Episode 7 | Saturn and Pluto Go to The Repair Shop

It’s an epic week in the Big Sky, and April and Jen bring you the down-low on the up-high: Jupiter meets the South Node, Uranus brings extra tumult to a highly-charged Lunar Eclipse, and we sound a final “all aboard” for the S.S. Saturn/Pluto Conjunction. Plus: more new (fictional) sponsors than you can shake a stick at, and April takes any opportunity to discuss her latest TV obsession. CLICK THE TITLE OF THE POST FOR SHOW NOTES AND TRANSCRIPT!

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It Is Summer There

At winter time, the artificial constructs of time decree a new year is about to begin. But our seasonal hearts experience winter differently, as the apex of an energetic cycle begun in the spring. In the cold, weak light of winter, November’s incantations are realized, and all is revealed for what it truly is. Winter solstice is a time of emotional reckoning and self-examination; like Scrooge, each of us must confront his or her own ghosts of the past, present, and future…

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Full Moon in Cancer: The Bottom Line

My favorite restaurant and the other businesses I enjoy patronizing have a couple of things in common. First, they shared a warm, welcoming spirit that makes me feel appreciated. And second, every one of them is wildly successful by standards that would impress even the flintiest Capricorn.

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December 21 Eclipse for Your Sign: Aries-Virgo

The December 21 lunar eclipse at 29 Gemini is not only ruled by Mercury retrograde, but the chart for the eclipse sports a flamboyant square from the Sun and Moon to Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. What does this mean for your sign? Today, Aries – Virgo. Libra – Pisces follows tomorrow.

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