The transiting Sun’s trine and sextile aspects to other planets have a way of making us feel as though we’re standing in front of an enthusiastic and receptive audience: confident, charismatic, and powerful. Today’s Sun/Jupiter trine (exact at 3:45 pm PST) is, in fact, a sneak preview of the Sun in Sagittarius. And you know, feeling optimistic, big-hearted, and a little bit goofy is a fun way to begin the week… and all too rare while the Sun is in Scorpio, a sign that’s generally more comfortable in the shadows than taking to the skies in a hot air balloon. The world seems a bit bigger and brighter today, and perhaps you feel your heart opening in gleeful response to its promises of adventure and fortune.
But just a further down the road, on Thursday (a day full of planetary excitement – more about that later in the week), the Sun will square Neptune (1:55 am PST). The Sun’s transiting squares and oppositions to other planets provide a healthy system of checks and balances against the Sun’s icky white underbelly of arrogance and self-involvement. So when the Sun squares Neptune, expect self-doubt to rear its head – but perhaps that’s for the best, a safety valve to release some of today’s Sun/Jupiter exuberance and keep you from falling over a cliff as you try to take flight.
Besides, later the same day the Sun will trine Uranus (9:58 pm PST). So before the Sun’s square Neptune gets a chance to completely dissolve your self confidence and suck you into its undertow, an escape route suddenly opens – one that offers welcome change, and an exhilarating sense of freedom. Enjoy them – and let those feelings carry you into the Sun in Sagittarius season of joyful anarchy, playfulness, and thanksgiving.