Is this fair? I work hard, pay my taxes, give to charities, try to get plenty of fiber in my diet. And THIS is the solar return I get?
Observe the Sun conjunct Saturn. AND the Moon conjunct Pluto. But wait, wait, it gets better: every single friggin’ house cusp has the 29th degree on it, except the 5/11 houses – which have 0 degrees. In my experience, the 29th degree of any sign has a horrible sort of suspenseful, must-finish-up-now feeling about it, and 0 degree is not much better. A friend of mine once said it always makes her think of Little Orphan Annie’s blank, blank eyes: clueless.
For the uninitiated, a solar return chart is a chart calculated for the moment each year when the Sun returns to its longitude at your birth. In other words, it’s your birthday chart. According to the rules, you calculate the solar return chart for the location where you’re currently living. But some folks advocate a “go to a different place for your solar return and get a better wheel” policy. I’m not sure I buy it, though; I sort of believe that wherever you’re going to be spending most of year is the right location to use for calculating your solar return. To do anything different might give you a better birthday, but probably not a better year.
On the other hand, I’m feeling a little desperate here, people. This just may be the year I put the “get out of Dodge” theory to the test.