094 | Podathon Day One: Full Moon Funfest!
It’s Day One of the second annual Big Sky Astrology PODATHON! In this episode, April and Jen take a look at today’s dreamy-but-uncomfortable Pisces Full Moon; perhaps Mercury’s lovely connection with Jupiter will help! Tonight, the Moon moves into initiating Aries. Plus: secret knowledge, Neptune’s effect on cogent thinking, and… does anyone recall what was happening in March of 2020?
This week, we bring you five daily mini-episodes in our Podathon extravaganza! JOIN US for an up-close-and-personal look at each day’s aspects! THRILL to our special Podathon theme! And best of all, HEAR ABOUT all the treats and opportunities coming your way as a donor to the podcast!
Everyone who pledges $5 or more during our fundraising timeline will receive invitations to two special bonus episodes for this week’s equinox and December’s solstice! And everyone who pledges $25 or more will be entered in our drawing to win great prizes that can be enjoyed by listeners around the world, including readings with April, a fab astrological poster from The Elegant Universe, and an offering from the Big Sky Astrology online store!
DEADLINE: To be entered in the drawing, we must receive your donation of $25 or more no later than SEPTEMBER 30, 2021, at 11:59 pm PACIFIC time. Winners will be announced by email on OCTOBER 4 and also in our OCTOBER 11 episode! Donate at!
Or download the episode here

Join us for daily PODATHON episodes through Friday, Sep. 24! Make your donation at We thank you!
Read a full transcript of this episode
0:30 – It’s a fundraising fun-fest! We love that you’re joining us! Thank you! (And to learn about the astrology poster:
05:45 – **MOONWATCH ** Podathon week begins with a Full Moon at 28.13 Pisces (Sep. 20, 4:55 pm PDT) on the Sabian Symbol “A prism.” This Full Moon positions the Sun in cerebral Virgo (conjunct Mars) against the dreamy, imaginative Pisces Moon (conjunct Neptune) (spoiler: Pisces/Neptune probably wins). Lunar phase family began at 4.12 Aries on March 24, 2020, with a First Quarter Moon at 0.34 Aries on Dec. 21, 2020.
9:40 – The Sun’s Sabian symbol at the Full Moon is 29 Virgo, “A man gaining secret knowledge from a paper he is reading.” The Sun in Virgo trine Pluto might refer to the “secret knowledge.” Virgo/Mercury appreciate their knowledge in tangible form, while, Pisces/Neptune is less literal, and more intuitive.
11:01 – Virgo and Pisces’s rulers, Mercury and Jupiter, form a trine aspect today (3:53 pm PDT). Together, they can make up something more than the sum of its parts.
11:59 – The Moon moves into Aries this evening at 8:12 pm PDT, and we’ll tell you more about that in tomorrow’s episode!