Episode 211 | Venus in Scorpio: Deep Dive!
This week, Venus enters Scorpio, sparking deep introspection in relationships, while Neptune turns direct, bringing a tidal wave of change. The Virgo Last Quarter Moon prompts a practical review of our endeavors, but not without tension between Virgo’s caution and Sagittarius’ impulsive enthusiasm. And April addresses a listener’s intriguing question about the upcoming transit of Uranus in Gemini, exploring historical parallels and offering a hopeful perspective on navigating the transformative times ahead. Plus: Alpacas, middle name enthusiasts, and should we be terrifiiiiiied?™
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[1:16] Moon report! The Last Quarter Moon in Virgo will occur on Dec. 4 (9:49 pm PST) at 12º48’ Virgo and Sagittarius. The Moon’s Sabian symbol: 13 Virgo, A strong hand supplanting political hysteria.
[2:17] The Sagittarian Sun is conjunct Mars in this chart. Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, is currently in Capricorn, trine Jupiter in Taurus and sextile Saturn in Pisces.
[3:42] Remember that when two bodies are in a square aspect to each other, each of them has to have their voice heard – in this case, the Sun and Moon. The Moon in Virgo is able to formulate a practical plan for going after the things that the Sagittarius Sun really wants to do while also keeping the Sagittarius side in check a little bit, so we don’t get in over our heads.
[5:57] This is also the Last Quarter Moon in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC) that began at the New Moon on Sep. 6, 2021, at 14º38’Virgo. The First Quarter Moon in this LPFC was on June 7, 2022 and the Full Moon was on March 7, 2023.
[8:58] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On Dec. 6, the Moon in Virgo trines Pluto (5:50 am PST). It’s VOC for about three hours, then enters Libra (8:35 am PST). Precision and carefully, well-thought-out plans will be rewarded.
[10:09] On Dec. 8, the Moon in Libra squares Pluto (5:05 pm PST). It’s VOC for about 2 1/2 hours, then enters Scorpio (7:35 pm PST). Will you compromise, or demand to have your own way? What we’re hoping for is an appropriate level of compromise.
[11:42] Venus enters Scorpio on Dec. 4 (10:51 am PST); it’ll be in this sign through Dec. 29. When Venus is in Scorpio, we should immerse ourselves in the things that we’re very passionate about and review our close relationships. It is also an excellent time to take care of practical financial matters, especially related to banking, mortgages, inheritance, loans, and end-of-life directives.
[14:10] On Dec. 5 (2:51 pm PST), Venus in Scorpio trines Saturn at 01°22’ Scorpio-Pisces. Relationships could get serious, and good work could be rewarded.
[15:57] Neptune stations direct on Dec. 6 (5:22 am PST). It’s been retrograde since June 30, 2023. Try to keep a light schedule this week. Get plenty of rest and relaxation; go with the flow.
[17:14] Mercury trines Jupiter on Dec. 7 (8:09 pm PST) at 06°28’ of Capricorn-Taurus. Do the planning and gather the information needed for a big project.
[18:35] On Dec. 9th (7:35 pm PST), Venus opposes Jupiter at 06º20’ Scorpio-Taurus. Venus is on the Sabian symbol 7 Scorpio, Deep-sea divers. This aspect has important ramifications for relationships and financial matters. It’s a reminder not to let our deep attachments to others keep us from having adventures.
[21:04] Listener Rafael asks about Uranus’ upcoming excursion in Gemini. Should we be terrifiiiiiied?™ Check out The Astrology Podcast’s treatment of The Uranus Return of the United States with Nick Dagan Best.
[28:36] If you’d like to have your question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[29:09] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Sonja Ford and Teresa Fettes!
[30:18] If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $10 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.

Writing and images © 2017-23 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, read my weekly column!