Episode 189 | Aquarius Full Moon: Let’s Play Hooky!
This week: The Aquarius Full Moon brings the hope of a new day; both the Sun and Mars connect with big-thinking, optimistic Jupiter; Saturn helps Mercury get down to business; and April answers a very helpful listener question about using astrology to make healthier choices and stick to them! Plus: Silver linings, playing hooky, and looking the part!
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[1:08] Moon Report! Beginning with an Aquarius Full Moon (Aug. 1, 11:32 am PDT) at 9º15’ Aquarius-Leo, featuring a T-square of the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter (Sun opposed Moon, both square Jupiter).
[1:40] The Moon’s Sabian symbol is 10 Aquarius, A popularity that proves ephemeral; the Sun is on 10 Leo, Early morning dew. Popularity comes and goes, but as long as we have breath in our bodies, there’s reason to hope.
[3:29] After the intense Cancer New Moon opposed Pluto (July 17), this milder Full Moon is welcome. Symbolically and literally, everything is visible at the Full Moon – in contrast with the dark nights around the New Moon.
[5:13] This is also the Full Moon in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle that began with the Jan. 31, 2022 New Moon at 12º18’ Aquarius. The First Quarter in that cycle was on Oct. 31, 2022, and the Last Quarter phase comes on May 1, 2024.
[7:52] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On July 31, the Moon in Capricorn conjoins Pluto (7:13 PM PDT). It’s VOC for one hour and 45 minutes before it enters Aquarius (8:58 PM PDT). This is a chance to rebuild habits related to our ambitions.
[9:06] The Moon in Aquarius opposes retrograde Venus in Leo on Aug, 2nd (2:15 PM PDT). It’s VOC for just under six hours before entering Pisces (8:05 PM PDT). Don’t judge your insides by other people’s outsides.
[10:11] The Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn on Aug. 4th (6:21 PM PDT). It’s VOC for just under two hours before entering Aries (8:19 PM PDT) for a chance to do something with all our Moon in Pisces imaginings.
[11:27] On Aug. 6th, the Moon in Aries squares Pluto (9:13 PM PDT). It’s VOC for just over two hours, then enters Taurus (11:24 PM PDT). Time to slow down and look more deeply into what we’ve been rushing to get done.
[12:19] On Aug. 1st (1:44 PM PDT), Mars trines Jupiter at 13º46’ Virgo-Taurus. The Sabian symbol for Jupiter is 14 Taurus, Shellfish groping and children playing. Go ahead…throw your cares to the wind and play hooky!
[14:17] Also on Aug. 1 (7:18 PM PDT), Mercury opposes Saturn at 5º38’ Virgo-Pisces. Mercury’s Sabian symbol is 6 Virgo, A merry-go-round, and Saturn’s is 6 Pisces, Officers on dress parade. When it comes to getting noticed and receiving better opportunities, there’s a fine line between doing our best and being willing to play the game a little bit.
[16:55] The Sun squares Jupiter on Aug. 6 (5:03 PM PDT) at 14º16’ Leo-Taurus. The Sabian symbol for the Sun is 15 Leo, A pageant, and Jupiter is on 15 Taurus, A man muffled up with a rakish silk hat. Ease up on the obstinance and lean into leadership flavored with heaping doses of generosity, inspiration and entertainment.
[19:10] Listener Joshua asks about how to use astrology to make healthier choices and stick to them.
[27:31] If you have a question you’d like answered on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[27:57] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Bernice Harmyk, Katie Serda, and Leslie Wade!
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