Episode 148 | Mars Meets Neptune: Pencils Down!
This week, Mercury re-enters Libra – put your pencils down and face the world! – and makes the last of three oppositions to Jupiter; the Sun and Venus unite with Saturn to make last week’s Jovian dreams a reality; and Mars initiates a sequence of three squares to Neptune – take care when operating heavy machinery! And April answers a listener question about what to do when the sign on your Ascendant clashes with planets that are very different in style. Plus: A bag of tricks, the tyranny of time, and feeding the lion!
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[1:07] Mercury, planet of ideas and communication, enters Libra on October 10, 2022 at 4:51 pm PDT. Time to share the thoughts and ideas that emerged while Mercury was retrograde. Leave room for adjustments.
[3:11] The Sun (Libra 18°41′) trines Saturn (Aquarius 18°41′) on October 11, 2022 at 6:06 pm PDT, and on October 13th at 11:21 pm PDT, Venus (Libra 18°39′) trines Saturn (Aquarius 18°39′). Inspirations from last week’s Sun-Venus opposition to Jupiter are ready to become a reality, if you’re ready to do the work necessary.
[7:18] Also on October 11, 2022 at 10:47 pm PDT, Mars (Gemini 23°21′) makes the first of three, square aspects to Neptune (Pisces 23°21′). The second square is on November 19th, when Mars is retrograde, and the third on March 14, 2023. Try to step outside your rigorous ideas of time, but be a little bit more cautious when driving this week!
[12:58] On October 12, 2022 at 12:24 am PDT, Mercury (Libra 1°40′) makes the last of three oppositions (the first was on Sep. 2, the second on Sep. 18) to Jupiter (Aries 1°40′). What was the one thing you felt excited about at the beginning of September, when Mercury first opposed Jupiter? Now is the time to come up with a game plan to figure out where to begin, where it will end up, and the steps in between.
[15:43] Moon report! There is actually no major lunation this week because the Last Quarter Moon will fall next week, on October 17th.
[16:00] Void-of-Course Moon periods: On October 10th at 7:02 am PDT, the Moon (Aries 26°07′) squares Pluto (Capricorn 26°07′) and is then void-of-course for about seven hours before entering Taurus (2:04 pm PDT). Practice patience with yourself and others.
[17:56] The Moon (Taurus 26°07′) trines Pluto (Capricorn 26°07′) on October 12th at 2:42 pm PDT. It’s then void-of-course for about seven and a half hours before entering Gemini at 10:08 pm PDT. Pluto in Capricorn can represent learning how to be grownups, which requires self-discipline and accepting the realities of getting things done in the world, and the Moon in Taurus harmonizes with that objective.
[19:04] On October 14th at 9:09 pm PDT, the Moon (Gemini 23°59′) conjoins Mars (Gemini 23°59′), then is void-of-course for exactly 12 hours before entering Cancer on October 15th (9:11 am).
[20:52] Listener Lara asks about how to reconcile the sign on the ascendant of the chart with planets that are very different in style.
[28:20] If you have a burning question about astrology that you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a voicemail of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or send an email to april@bigskyastrology.com. Be sure to put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[28:53] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Sarah Jane Williamson and Tony Nader!
[29:44] If you enjoy the show and would like to make a donation, and if you would like to receive April’s Bonus Donors only episode for the Libra Equinox as well bonuses for the upcoming Solstices and Aries Equinox, just donate $10 or more here!