Episode 145 | Libra Equinox & New Moon: Going to Market!
As we welcome autumn harvest time to the Northern Hemisphere at this Libra equinox, the marketplace beckons: how will others value what we have to offer? The Libra New Moon on an extraordinary Sabian symbol of renewal gets an extra boost from Jupiter. Mercury backtracks into Virgo for a little quality control; what did you overlook last month? And a busy week for Venus reminds us that not all surprises are bad, sharing is essential, and good manners can sometimes be rewarded. Plus: a listener question about planets at the 29th degree!
Learn astrology with April! Her intermediate level course is open for registration through Sep. 21 and classes begin on Sep. 24! Details and sign up here – and use the code BSAPOD at checkout to get the course for only $215!

Read a full transcript of this episode.
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[0:30] Welcome the Big Sky Astrology forecast for the week of September 19, 2022!
[1:07] Congratulations to Big Sky Astrology Podathon winners: Sarah Eaves (astrology poster), Alex Anderson (astrology course), Karen Hartland (60-minute reading), and Mina Habibi (90-minute reading)! Plus, everyone who donated $10 or more will get access to April’s bonus episodes for the Equinoxes and Solstices, beginning with the September 22nd Libra Equinox.
[3:10] Venus (Virgo 18°37′) trines Uranus (Taurus 18°37′) on September 19th at 9:44 pm PDT. Possible unexpected financial windfall or asset appreciation. Welcome the unexpected in your daily life.
[4:39] The Sun enters Libra on September 22nd at 6:04 pm PDT. This ingress marks the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Vernal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. The Equinoxes are the two days out of the year when night and day are equal in length. So very Libran!
[5:49] What do we initiate at the Libra Equinox? Harvest time!
[7:11] Libra is ruled by Venus, which is still in Virgo. Our motto for this Sun in Libra season: everything needn’t be perfect for it to be perfectly good.
[8:16] Also on September 22nd, Mercury makes its inferior conjunction to the Sun at 11:50 pm PDT at Libra 0°14′ on the Sabian symbol 1 Libra, A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.
[9:16] While the conjunction is exact, Mercury is cazimi, particularly powerful. Look for some much-needed clarity in the realm of Mercury (communications, thinking, commerce, short-distance travel, etc…)
[10:15] Retrograde Mercury will re-enter Virgo on September 23rd at 5:04 AM PDT, in a neighborhood it last visited August 21 – 26, 2022. Mercury stations direct on October 2nd and re-enters Libra on October 10th.
[11:32] Venus opposes Neptune on September 24th at 1:51 AM PDT at 23°49′ of Virgo and Pisces. The Sabian symbol for Venus is 24 Virgo, Mary and her white lamb. The Sabian symbol for Neptune is 24 Pisces, An inhabited island – also the degree of the April 12 Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. Sharing is caring!
[13:20] Moon Report for the week of September 19th. The Libra New Moon is on September 25th at 2:54 PM PDT at Libra 2°48′ and the Sabian symbol 3 Libra, The dawn of a new day, everything changed. This Sun and Moon opposed Jupiter in Aries lends an uplifting note to the change.
[15:54] This Libra New Moon initiates a 27- month cycle (Check out April’s conversation with Celeste Brooks about the Lunar Phase Family Cycle in Episode 141!) Important dates in this cycle are: First Quarter Moon on June 26th, 2023; the Full Moon on March 25, 2024; and the Third Quarter Moon on December 20, 2024.
[17:32] Void-of-Course Moon periods for this week. On Sept. 20, the Moon in Cancer will sextile the Sun in Virgo at 8:57 AM PDT then go Void-of-Course for almost five hours before entering Leo at 1:38 PM PDT. Positive work-related opportunities and a good time to initiate beneficial health or diet habits.
[19:43] On September 22nd, the Moon in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius at 4:07 AM PDT. This Void-of-Course period will last for almost 21 hours (!!!) before entering Virgo on September 23rd at 12:53 AM PDT. Cultivate emotional self-sufficiency and confidence..
[21:26] The Moon in Virgo conjuncts Mercury at 5:49 AM PDT on September 25th and is VOC for about four hours before entering Libra at 9:43 AM PDT. A time to gain clarity about ourselves in preparation for the New Moon in Libra later that day.
[22:55] At 10:46 PM PDT on September 25, Venus (Virgo 26°9′) will trine Pluto (Capricorn 26°9′). Venus in on the Sabian symbol 27 Virgo, Grand dames at tea. Pluto is on 27 Capricorn, A mountain pilgrimage.
[25:14] Listener Ann asks about the anaretic degree of 29°. What does this mean for a planet in your birth chart?
[30:46] Do you have a burning question about astrology?!? Leave a message for April at speakpipecom/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com with “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[32:00] Big Sky Astrology shout out to donors Shellie Crow and Bobbie Galion! And if you donate $10 or more, April will send you the bonus episodes for the Equinoxes and Solstices – donate here!