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Ep. 114 | Virgo Full Moon: Handling Our Baggage, Clearing the Haze

Episode 114 | Virgo Full Moon: Handling our Baggage, Clearing the Haze

This week: Mercury in sleepy Pisces wakes up with an exciting sextile aspect to Uranus, on the Sabian symbol, A man handling baggage. Shall we take this as a gentle suggestion to sort out our own baggage, particularly the emotional kind? April’s advice is to choose a focal point for sorting out, such as a cupboard or a small closet – a manageable project that won’t overload your Mercury mind.

A square aspect between Venus (the planet of love) and Uranus (planet of disruption) could spell problems for romantic relationships and bank accounts. Helpfully, Venus is in Aquarius, a sign that doesn’t mind shaking things up. Finally, let’s throw an astrological New Year’s party as the Sun moves into Aries! Plus: Are listener Patti’s transits ganging up on her?

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[0:46] The big astrological stories of the week

[1:21] Mercury makes a sextile to Uranus

[3:53] April’s thoughts for navigating Mercury-Uranus

[4:45] This week’s moon report – A Virgo Full Moon stands opposite the rest of the sky!

[8:04] This week’s void-of-course moon periods

[11:40] The Sun in Pisces gets a boost in focus as it sextiles Pluto in pragmatic Capricorn

[14:26] A disruptive but energizing square between Venus and Uranus

[16:24] Happy Astrological New Year: The Sun moves into Aries! Note: I actually was not able to locate a single article or video on the Aries Ingress to share! I’ll update this if I find something closer to the ingress day.

[19:25] Mercury and Jupiter come together on the Sabian symbol, A master and his pupil. Teachers can learn from their students, too!

[21:11] This week’s listener question: Patti suspects her transits are doubling up on her! Is she imagining things? Does this happen to everyone, or is she just lucky?

[29:23] Wrapping up with a personal thank you to generous listeners, especially Anna Kelly, Melissa Pearson, and Jack Daft! If you love the show and would like to make a donation, go to!

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