Episode 266 | Sagittarius New Moon: The Goddess of Opportunity!
Mercury enters its latest retrograde period; the Sun trines feisty Mars and the Moon’s North Node; the New Moon is in Sagittarius, sign of big dreams and adventures, but its square to Saturn says they won’t come true without some work. And Pluto through the houses.
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Episode 265 | Pluto enters Aquarius: Tearing Out Drywall!
A major shift as Pluto enters Aquarius for 19 years. The Sun enters its hopeful Sagittarius season; its aspects to Neptune, Pluto highlight harmony, healing, and letting go. Mercury opposes Jupiter, so double-check holiday travel plans. The Virgo Last Quarter Moon emphasizes purity of purpose and standing up to stormy waves.
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Episode 264 | Taurus Full Moon: Nama’stay In Bed!
A Taurus Full Moon + Uranus brings startling revelations. Venus enters pragmatic Capricorn, lends motivation to North Node goals. Mercury in Sagittarius gets perspective and discipline from Saturn. The Sun makes a sizzling aspect with Uranus.
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Episode 263 | Aquarius First Quarter Moon: Unmasked!
The Sun and Saturn offer new solutions to unhealthy habits; Venus and Neptune dispel illusions in relationship and finance; and Mercury trines the North Node – how can teamwork light up individuality? The Aquarius First Quarter Moon moves us, unmasked, toward our recent New Moon intentions. And April answers a listener question about dealing with awkward questions about astrology.
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Episode 262 | Scorpio New Moon: A Fellowship Supper!
Mercury finishes its Scorpio journey with a flurry of planetary aspects before it enters adventurous Sagittarius. Feisty Mars trines altruistic Neptune and opposes Pluto for some tug-of-war, before entering Leo for a long visit. The spooky Scorpio New Moon encourages deep conversations over a fellowship supper. Venus’ aspect to Saturn tests our desires, and its aspect to Jupiter brings more of them. And a listener question about your birth chart and your ideal career.
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Episode 261 | Scorpio Season and Pushing Back at Pluto!
A Last Quarter Moon in Leeeeeooooo; the Sun squares Pluto right before it enters Scorpio; Venus trines the North Node; Mercury rests its head on Saturn’s strong shoulders; unexpected opportunities arise when Mars meets up with Uranus. And a mini-lesson about finding money in your chart.
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Episode 260 | Aries Full Moon: A Spicy Grand Cross!
Venus finishes her Scorpio journey with a series of aspects to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, then enters Sagittarius; the Sun squares Mars on its way to a spicy Aries Full Moon; a listener question about using a lunar phase template to work with transiting planets.
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Episode 259 | Sun trine Jupiter: A Genie Granting Wishes!
The Capricorn First Quarter Moon is one of the best all year for taking action on a plan. The cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, meet in a steamy trine. Mercury enters Scorpio, Jupiter and Pluto change direction, and the Sun and Jupiter bring optimism and, possibly, a bit of luck.
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Episode 258 | Libra New Moon/Solar Eclipse: A Decisive Cut!
The Libra New Moon is the last eclipse in this relationship-oriented sign until 2033. Mercury enters the heart of the Sun for communication breakthroughs and squares Mars for communication conflicts. Venus trines Saturn, and if a could turn serious. And a listener question prompts a detailed look at how to interpret a transit in your birth chart.
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Episode 257 | Cancer Last Quarter Moon: Between Eclipses!
The Cancer Last Quarter Moon highlights responsibilities toward others. Mercury aspects Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the Lunar Nodes, then moves into diplomatic Libra. The Sun’s aspect to the North Node previews the upcoming Solar Eclipse; Mars and Saturn meet in a driven, productive aspect.
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