Episode 271 | New Moon in Capricorn: Feeding the Albatross!
The Capricorn New Moon offers a message of care and kindness. Venus enters Pisces, a sign of unconditional love. Irresistible Mars makes the second of three oppositions to immovable Pluto. The Sun sextile Saturn, and Mars trine the North Node, offer a vision of a dream that is within your grasp. A listener question about combining transits and secondary progressions when you’re looking at your chart. Plus: An albatross, agape, and achievements!
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Astrology Highlights for Dec. 23-29, 2024: A Spiritual Yard Sale
The Sun reaches the midpoint between two eclipse seasons, and now is the time to let go of what you don’t need, maybe even things that are actively hurting you; it’s a spiritual yard sale to prepare you for the eclipses that are coming up in March.
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Episode 270 | Jupiter vs Saturn: Legs Spinning in Midair!
The critical midpoint between eclipse seasons; Jupiter squares Saturn, and Mercury aspects them both; Venus in sparkly Aquarius shakes things up with Uranus. No major lunation this week, but we look at the void-of-course Moon periods and take a listener question about what it means for a planet to be strong in your birth chart.
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Astrology Highlights for Dec. 16-22, 2024: Nowhere To Go But Up
At the winter solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun reaches its lowest point in the midday sky. As we look back over the calendar year, we may be tempted to chastise ourselves for what we haven’t accomplished. At the Capricorn solstice, there’s no place to go but up.
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Episode 269 | Capricorn Season: Strong Knees and a Thick Skin!
The Sun squares Neptune and enters Capricorn for the solstice. Venus trine Jupiter, celebrates the love we share with those who “speak our language.” The Last Quarter Moon in Libra calls for prioritizing loved ones and collaborating on future goals. And April answers a listener question about using the Sabian symbols with your birth chart.
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Astrology Highlights for Dec. 9-15, 2024: Complements
We attract partners based on who we are. If we haven’t addressed our childhood traumas and expectations, we remain stuck in a pattern that attracts partners with complementary traumas and expectations – often without being aware of it in the least.
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Episode 268 | Gemini Full Moon: Be Curious and Stay Busy!
The chatty Gemini Full Moon; Mercury bids adieu to its latest retrograde period and celebrates with a sweet aspect to Venus. Relationship-oriented Venus and Mars face off in a contentious, but awareness-building opposition. And a listener question about ideas that come our way when Mercury is retrograde – are they all bad?
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Astrology Highlights for Dec. 2-8, 2024: Slaying the Dragon
When Mars is retrograde, we tap into even deeper resources of strength and courage to slay whatever dragons lay in our paths; to find the grace to remember how much we do have; and to contemplate how we might, in the months ahead, lend a little of our Mars strength to those who need it.
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Episode 267 | Mars Retrograde: The Warrior Within!
Venus enters friendly Aquarius, the Sun and Mercury aspects Jupiter and Saturn, Mars turns retrograde, and the Pisces First Quarter Moon. Plus: A robust youth, the dream of society, and the acme of cheerful innocence!
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Astrology Highlights for Nov. 25-Dec. 1, 2024: Winter Birds
At the Sagittarius New Moon, we’re not yet ready for resolutions; we’re still exploring possibilities. We stand beside a frozen lake in the flat, white winter light, pondering questions big and small. Overhead, a few straggling winter birds fly in formation; we wonder where they’ll end up, and whether it might be worth following them on their journey.
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