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TMAI was invited to participate in another “Chart Challenge” column, which appears in the Feb./March issue of The Mountain Astrologer. I’m paired this time with fellow astrologer and writer Jodie Forrest – hope you enjoy it!

Speaking of Forrests, this issue also features a fascinating interview by Steven Forrest with Kelli Fox, founder of Her new internet venture is KT the Astrologer, which kicks all kinds of ass.

5 comments to " AEK in TMA "

  • Jeffrey Kishner

    Yesterday, I read an interesting article about Kelli Fox’s legal dispute with Apparently, they are continuing to use her name and likeness, associating it with non-astrological products. That sounds skeevy to me. She’s got a packed 1st House, so perhaps it is easy to have your image stolen like that. Yuck.

  • Great article, Jeffrey, thanks. I had read something about the iVillage debacle too, some time ago, though I don’t remember where. It was interesting to hear something of Kelli’s side of the story in the TMA interview, though of course she was constrained from giving too many details. She comes across as a spunky, savvy woman who cares about good astrology as well as understanding the marketplace.

  • So, today I was showing Christophe’s co-worker, who is fascinated with astrology, your website. She thought it was so lovely, so well done. Then I showed her Steven Forrest’s website and she audibly, like, almost hurled. She then said, “Maybe your friend should do his website?” LOL. Babe, yer awesome, you know that?

    I really like Kelli’s work. Hers was the only daily forecast I ever read for myself. It was super good, even if it did calculate me as a Virgo. 😉

  • Oh heavens… well, Maria, I accept your friend’s praise of my site with warmth and gratitude. 🙂 Although amusingly enough, just this morning I was contemplating (yet another) full-scale renovation of my own site whenever I get the chance (no time soon, apparently). Restless Gemini moon!

    I think a common problem for really busy astrologers (any kind of small business owner, actually) is that if they’re lucky, their operation eventually grows so enormous and so diversified that their website really needs to take a quantum technical leap to keep up… and who has the time? Actually, Kelli and her husband seem to be the kind of folks to turn to for that kind of massive overhaul – there’s a woman (a fellow Leo, BTW!) who really knows how to put together a portal site!

  • Why am I not surprised that we Leo women are all over this shit? 😀