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Jupiter/Saturn Opposition: Cosmic Taffy Pull

Bumping this up for next week’s Jupiter/Saturn opposition

A neighbor in my rural hometown used to put us kids to work each year pulling taffy. Sounds like a delightful, Normal Rockwell-esque activity, but it was surprisingly hard work.

An opposition between titans Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction) is not unlike a cosmic taffy pull, and the process is similarly taxing. On one end, Jupiter pulls us toward all things More, Bigger, and Better; on the other, Saturn pulls toward Less, Smaller, yet Perfectly Adequate for Our Needs. If you’re ever known a married couple in which one partner was a spender (Jupiter) and the other a saver (Saturn), you get the general idea. You also know that while opposites attract, they often get pretty irritated with one another. Hence the crankiness and frustration you may notice in your own relationships this weekend.

Modern astrologers generally assume there are Life Lessons to be learned from the push/pull of major outer planet transits like this. So what’s your Jupiter/Saturn homework? It’s simple, really:  oppositions are always about checks and balances, about the extremes of one perspective being offset and restrained by the extremes of another, diametrically opposed perspective.  Two people who see the world in very different ways can help each other see the world more completely. But as one moves farther from the center and toward an entrenched position, the other tends to balance things out by doing the same, in the opposite direction.

It’s worth remembering, if you start feeling aggravated by practically every person you encounter, that your annoyance is also playing its part in keeping pliable and smooth the “taffy” of disagreement. In other words, if you drop your end of the taffy, they’ll have to drop theirs.  It takes two to have an argument, and generally neither side is completely right or completely wrong.

Jupiter and Saturn will meet in opposition on May 22, 2010, August 16, 2010 and March 28, 2011. Institutions, structures, and financial decisions that were initiated at the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction (May 2000), and hopefully subjected to critical reassessment at the Jupiter/Saturn square (Dec. 05 – Oct. 06),  are only now fully revealing their fruits.  How different the world looks now than it did then! What about your own neighborhood, city, company, family, bank balance? It’s not yet too late to rescue faltering structures, now that you can fully see what you’re up against; and it’s certainly not too late to learn from past mistakes – that’s the work of the closing Jupiter/Saturn square in 2015/2016.

For now, we’re left with the hard work of the pulling – and hopefully, the sweet taffy of harmony and balance will follow.

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4 comments to " Jupiter/Saturn Opposition: Cosmic Taffy Pull "

  • During the square, I was living in another country, living on the bank balance and the good will of a man who turned out to be not so good-willed after all. Things are much more solid now, but I don’t think they were ever wobbly. Those were calculated risks. I had plenty of money to fall back on, and the good will of my ex-employer back home. Definitely a growing period.

    • Maria, what a nice use of Jupiter square Saturn: “calculated risk.” Perhaps during the opposition we’re more inclined toward either risk or calculation, depending on the hour or the day!

  • pdw

    April, thanks for the memory! Of a taffy pull on a pretty day with the side door open in my Cancerian grandmother’s dishwasher-less kitchen, which featured a generic white range, a modest kitchen table, and a distinctive centerpiece: a 5 ft long farm-style sink with built-in sideboards, in a shade of fresh green.

    I remember butter was a key ingredient, on our hands and the taffy. Perhaps our conscious social participation (Venus and Mars) is the ‘butter’ needed for this oppositional pull.

    • pdw, I guess that’s a very Cancerian memory, isn’t it? I suppose that’s why my Venus in Cancer has held on to it with such fondness all these years. And yes, the butter, I remember it now! And… waxed paper? Good observation about Venus, in particular, and social participation and mediation in the Jupiter/Saturn taffy pull. (I want your grandmother’s kitchen, by the way, especially the built-in sideboards.)

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