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Aquarius New Moon: The Unexpected Guest

I’m working in my office on a weekday afternoon when I hear the front doorbell ring. I open the door and find a large, beautifully wrapped box on the front porch. The tag attached reads, “Allow me.”

I’m excited to find out what’s inside, but I quickly realize the box won’t fit through the front door. I’ll have to carry it around to the back of the house and bring it through the French doors. Luckily, the box is light and easy to carry.

When I finally get it inside and set it down, I’m reluctant to unwrap it. It’s swaddled in shimmery pink paper with gold polka dots and a big, gold bow on top, and it seems too precious to open. I carefully remove the wrapping. Inside is a beautiful card with a yellow bird on the front; enclosed is a check for two million dollars. The inscription in the card reads, “One for you, one to share.” Both the card and check are signed, “Abundance.”

In his book, Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity in Everyday Life, author Robert Moss offers a number of creative exercises for inviting meaningful coincidence and symbolic illumination into your life. The scenario described above comes from my notes after exploring one of the games, called “The Unexpected Guest.” Here’s how to play:

Visualize yourself inside your home when the bell rings or there is a knock at the door, and then see who or what has arrived; this is the Unexpected Guest. It might be a feeling, or a person, or a concept. Just name it, and examine your response to this unexpected guest. Moss assures the reader that you are not required to allow just anyone or anything inside your home – if it’s an unwelcome or even threatening guest, you can choose to leave them on the porch, or perhaps in a waiting room – but you have to deal with it in some way.

This particular exercise is just made for the Aquarius New Moon. Aquarius doesn’t love unexpected guests – like fellow fixed signs Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, she’s not a fan of surprises – but certainly loves being an “unexpected guest,” an agent for change and awakening. After I did the exercise, the word “unexpected” led me to wonder whether I could find a connection between this exercise and the location of Aquarius in my birth chart – and when I found it, I laughed out loud. Jupiter is in Aquarius in the second house of my chart – in a difficult conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn. What could be more a more appropriate unexpected guest than Abundance (Jupiter) – especially when I’m constantly struggling with it (Saturn)?

As in dreams and meditations like this one, the waking world speaks to us in unexpected ways, in symbols and vague impressions. It takes some practice, and a little patience, to learn to read its signs and signals. Sometimes it’s not until we begin to describe a dream, or write a description of an “unexpected guest,” that the message becomes clear.

Astrologers love this kind of stuff. Symbols are our bread and butter. But even if you have only a casual interest in astrology, you likely have other experience interpreting non-verbal messages. Pets are particularly adept at getting their point across. To alert us of an empty supper dish, our cat Spike pushes the rim of the plate with his paw and then lets it drop on the tile floor with a loud clatter. To let us know it’s play time, he might stand next to the china cupboard and stare meaningfully at the drawer that holds extra toys. If we can learn to understand what animals are telling us (though I still think that we could clear a lot of things up if our cats could just speak to us for about ten minutes each year), we can learn to read messages from the Universe as well.

Mercury, the sign of messages and communication, is considered exalted, or especially strong, in Aquarius. Mercury symbolizes the stories we tell to ourselves and to others; in Aquarius, the sign of broadcasting, it’s the ability to share messages and global events with millions of people simultaneously. If it seems far too mystical to imagine the world is throwing symbols and synchronicity in your path with intent and purpose, consider how magical and revolutionary radio, telegraph, and telephone were in their time. Imagine, transmitting messages through space! We are in and of the world, and it is communicating with us all the time. We just have to learn to tune in to its frequency.

The final step in the Unexpected Guest exercise is to ask if there is anything you need to do in light of the new information you’ve received. My answer was pretty clear: when abundance arrives, allow it into your life. Make the opening of your life larger in order to receive all that wants to come to you. Don’t be afraid of spoiling it. And be sure to share it with others.

Aquarius, along with Capricorn and Pisces, symbolizes the need to unite with others in a larger mission, anything that is too big or complex or lonely to tackle on one’s own. To be agents of change, we need to connect with friends, colleagues, and like-minded strangers. We have many ways to do that in the digital age. But we have just as many ways to insulate ourselves from the uninvited, whether it’s blocking Facebook friends or hanging terse signs on our front doors. To unite in a larger mission requires that we seek ways of confronting and dancing with the things that we find difficult.

So in the empty, hopeful darkness of the Aquarius New Moon, take a few quiet moments by yourself to invite an unexpected guest into your imagination. What is its shape, its message? How do you react? And what can you take from this encounter that will make your life – and your world – a little bit better?

© 2017 April Elliott Kent

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14 comments to " Aquarius New Moon: The Unexpected Guest "

  • inez singletary

    I love this. I love symbols. I look forward to doing this exercise!

  • Sandhan

    Oh that image of the huge box 📦 with two cheques inside filled my heart with glee! I loved the idea of it already being separated into two so that one was for me and the other dedicated to be shared!
    Going away to meditate on the symbol!

  • Jo

    April, I loved this exercise! In my little brightly coloured box at the door, magenta, turquoise and green was a message of my soul purpose in this lifetime especially in relation to work as I have been struggling with that for years now. Still feel no closer to the answer though!! But in my little coloured box there it was. I didnt have an ecstatic response, it was more relief, more “okay now I can get on with it’. Aqua sun in first house conjunct Mercury in Aqua in 2nd. Thanks for all you share xx

  • Helen

    Yes my heart lit up too ~ how fantastic ~ thank you so much for that – what a great cheerup! So true about pets eh? my birds will pointedly send me messages – where’s the greens? where’s the millet?… even my plants… gasp gasp..water water… futz i forgot again… what a brilliant article thank you so much April zozozo oops… (what was that? dancing??) xoxoxox 🙂 h

    • We forget what a fun sign Aquarius can be, Helen – the Sun in Aquarius season should be filled with creative inspiration and hearts lit up!

  • Caroline

    I always read and ponder your articles, and I especially love this one! How inspiring! Thank you for bringing this image and pracice to your audience. The energy/lesson/blessing of Aquarius has taken me longer to understand than any of the other signs, but I am coming to truly apprecite it in the last few years. I am reminded also of Rumi’s guesthouse as an inviting way to greet whatever arrives. Thank you warmly!
    (P.S. … my cat is named Spike too!)

    • That’s precisely how Robert Moss introduces the exercise in the book, Caroline! The idea was inspired by Rumi’s poem, “The Guest House.” He writes: “In Rumi’s poem, each of us is like a guesthouse where visitors are turning up at all hours, and we need to be ready to receive them in appropriate ways. These visitors are moods and feelings….Rumi’s counsel is to ‘treat each guest honorably. He or she may be clearing you out for some new delight.'” And welcome to the Spike club – as you’ll see in a comment below, Robert also has a cat named Spike. Synchronicity!

  • Hello April, I am delighted to see your creative use of my “Unexpected Guest” exercise from my book SIDEWALK ORACLES. A delightful synchronicity: you mention a cat named Spike and we also have a cat (a huge fluffy Norwegian Forest cat) named Spike.

    • What a delight that you stopped by, Robert – an unexpected guest, indeed, and most welcome! And of course you have a cat named Spike. 🙂 As you can see, my readers are enjoying your Unexpected Guest game as much as I did. I’m enjoying your book so much and looking forward to working my way through all the exercises. Warm wishes to you!

  • Liz

    Loved this excercise. At the door was a crow/man and I let him in out of the cold. He gave me box, inside which was a caged bird. I let it fly free and it sang then came to fed from my hand. The message was about being free to be myself and allow myself to express myself with joy.

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